How to Donate

Talhado Montessori offers it’s students affordable school fees and we heavily rely on your generosity to offer this enriched program to our students. Please support us with your donation via EFT or PayPal.  Registration Number is 003-622 NPO

EFT Donations:

Talhado Children’s Haven
Bank: First National Bank
Humansdorp Branch Code: 210115
Account Number: 62016171390

PayPal Donations:

My School Card

Apply for a My School Card at your local Woolworths outlet or other participating retail companies and nominate Talhado Pre-Primary School as your beneficiary. The Haven will then get the percentage proceeds every time you swipe your card when making purchases.

Adopt the Haven and Earn BEE Score Card Points

By adopting the Talhado Childrens’ Haven as a social responsibility project, South Africa companies can earn valuable BEE score card points. All South African companies are required to present their BEE score card when their BEE status is under scrutiny.

For more information on any of these options contact Lesley Moore on 082 556 1050.